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How to create a channel for video in Microsoft Office 365

A video channel in Microsoft Office 365 allows you to manage videos related to a particular subject/topic at one place. The channel could pertain to any department in an organization or to a specific class in a school. For creating a video channel, you need to have Admin privileges for creating a channel.

  1. Sign in to Office 365. office 365 1 sign in video
  2. Select the Office 365 app launcher and click on the Video 365 2 video icon
  3. Choose “Channels” from the left in top navigation bar and then click on “+ New Channel” to create a new 365 3 new channel
  4. Start a new channel” dialog box appears on your screen. Specify the name for the channel and the color you want for the channel name. Click on “Create”.office 365 4 create new channel
  5. You can see the channel created under the “Channels” link. You can then click on “Channel Settings” to specify permissions, channel name or color.
    office 365 5 view channel


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